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June 2, 2015

Acta Offers Complimentary Consultation on K-REACH at ChemCon Asia 2015

The ACTA Group

The Acta Group (Acta®) is pleased to offer to ChemCon Asia 2015 attendees a complimentary 30-minute private session with Acta professionals and Acta’s South Korean-based affiliate, SHES Chemical Consulting (SHES), to answer questions relating to K-REACH, European Union REACH, TSCA, or other Asian chemical notification/regulation programs, as requested. This service is offered free of charge, provides an excellent opportunity to maximize your attendance at ChemCon, and is designed to enable you to obtain specific answers to targeted questions from experts in their field.

As there are a finite number of time slots available, act now. To reserve an appointment, offered in various time slots June 16-18, 2015, on-site at ChemCon Asia in the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, please contact Leslie S. MacDougall at or +1-804-744-4111, or stop by Acta’s exhibit booth at ChemCon.