Bloomberg Environment Includes Quotes From James V. Aidala In The Article “Pesticide Makers Face Product Approval Delays During Shutdown”
On January 18, 2019, Bloomberg Environment featured comments by James V. Aidala, Vice President, Policy and Government Affairs with The Acta Group (Acta®), regarding delayed pesticide product approvals.
The EPA also processes thousands of applications for so-called “me-too” chemicals—pesticides that are nearly identical to other products already on the market.
“EPA is normally able to process those applications pretty quickly,” said Jim Aidala, a government affairs consultant for Bergeson and Campbell PC.
Many farmers and small and medium-sized businesses are banking on those me-too approvals for the upcoming crop season, Aidala said.
“A six week backlog could really screw stuff up,” he said. “Especially if growers were depending on those products.”
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