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August 29, 2023

ChemCon Asia 2013, September 9-13, 2013, Seoul, South Korea.

The ACTA Group

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. was a proud sponsor. Lynn L. Bergeson presented “Green Chemistry and California Safer Consumer Products Regulations and How This Is a Game-Changing Event in North America,” “Nanomaterials: Global Governance Initiatives,” and moderated a discussion on chemical control legislation in North America and other relevant areas in the world. Leslie S. MacDougall presented “”An Overview of Regulations on the Management of Chemical Substances in China with Updates and Developments in the New Chemical Substance Notification (NCSN) Scheme,” “Data Available Under REACH and Global Impact of That Availability,” and moderated discussions on chemical control in Japan and the global approach to new chemicals.

For copies of these ChemCon Asia 2013 presentations, please contact Make plans now to attend ChemCon Europe 2014, March 31-April 4 in Istanbul, Turkey.