Comments By Dr. Richard E. Engler Featured In Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Article On EPA Chemical Review Process
On May 17, 2017, Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Senior Chemist at the Acta Group (Acta®), was quoted in the Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report article “Pace of EPA New Chemical Reviews Picks Up, Allaying Concerns.”
[…] The new information, which the agency posted since May 12, shows the EPA has made many more new chemical decisions since TSCA was amended than was publicly known, Richard Engler, a senior chemist with the Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. in Washington told Bloomberg BNA May 16.
The first website, which had a search function that previously allowed users to learn the interim status of the agency’s PMN reviews, now also provides the agency’s final determinations or “dispositions.” Using that search tool, parties can see new details about the reviews, including:
- chemical manufacturers have voluntarily withdrawn their PMNs for more than 60 chemicals;
- the agency has determined that more than 160 new chemicals might pose an unreasonable risk, but that the potential risks could be managed; and
- that EPA decided that 40 new chemicals could enter commerce because the new substance was “not likely to present an unreasonable risk,” which is the safest finding the agency can make under the amended law.
Engler said details he plans to examine include how the agency’s interim decisions compare to the final ones it reached.
As a chemist, he also plans to use this website and other information to discern patterns in the agency’s decisions. For example, the agency may be finding that certain classes of chemicals raise concerns, Engler said. […]
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