Comments by Lynn L. Bergeson Featured in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Article “Chemical Makers to Pay EPA $20 Million Yearly for Reviews Under Proposal”
On February 9, 2018, Lynn L. Bergeson, President of The Acta Group (Acta®), was quoted by the Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report regarding a proposed rule that would help defray the U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) costs of chemical product reviews. The article also included comments by Nancy Beck, deputy assistant administrator for chemical safety and pollution prevention at EPA, that were made during the B&C/Bloomberg BNA webinar “Chemical Regulation in 2018: A Sneak Preview of Things to Come,” the first event of the five part “2018 Chemical Policy Summit Series.”
The rule, issued Feb. 8, is one of several actions the Environmental Protection Agency has completed or will take in early 2018 to continue implementing the Toxic Substances Control Act amendments of 2016, said Nancy Beck, the EPA’s deputy assistant administrator for chemical safety and pollution prevention.
The EPA’s proposed fees range from $4,700 to $2.6 million, depending on the specific task and the amount of time and effort involved. Small businesses would pay 80 percent less for most of these fees, the agency said.
“Our proposed TSCA fees rule ensures we have sufficient resources to review chemicals for safety with the highest scientific standards,” EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said in a statement.
The EPA plans to publish the fee rule the week of Feb. 12, Beck said.
Beck highlighted recent milestones and previewed coming efforts during a webinar hosted by Bloomberg Environment and Bergeson & Campbell P.C.
Lynn Bergeson, managing partner at the law firm Bergeson & Campbell P.C., was pleased the proposed rule has been released.
“Glad to see the 80 percent reduction for small businesses and the diversity of options that EPA has identified,” Bergeson told Bloomberg Environment.
Like many other policy analysts Bloomberg Environment contacted, Bergeson said she needed more time to review the agency’s proposals.
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