The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has opened a call for evidence on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and its additives related to:
- Uses;
- European Union (EU) volumes per use sector and end-use;
- End-of-life information per use; and
- Experimental/measured release and exposure information.
ECHA states that with this call, it seeks to obtain an understanding on the use volumes at the EU level per sector and for as many end-uses as feasible, but company-specific information is also welcome. To facilitate the data reporting, ECHA has compiled from various sources a list of end-uses and use sectors of PVC into a reporting format. ECHA has also generated a separate reporting format for collecting use and volume information on the additives for closer scrutiny. ECHA welcomes information submitted both using the reporting format and in another form. ECHA notes that it does not seek use and volume information on the industrial life-cycle stages nor exposures in this call. ECHA will use submitted information to prepare an investigation report on PVC and its additives that the European Commission (EC) has requested. The call for evidence will close January 6, 2023.