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March 29, 2024

ECHA Checks More than 20 Percent of REACH Registration Dossiers for Compliance

Lynn L. BergesonCarla N. Hutton

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced on February 27, 2024, that between 2009 and 2023, it performed compliance checks of approximately 15,000 Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) registrations, representing 21 percent of full registrations. ECHA states that it met its legal target for dossier evaluation, which increased from five percent to 20 percent in 2019. ECHA notes that for substances registered at quantities of 100 metric tons or more per year, it has checked compliance for around 30 percent of the dossiers.

According to ECHA, in 2023, it conducted 301 compliance checks, covering more than 1,750 registrations and addressing 274 individual substances. ECHA “focused on registration dossiers that may have data gaps and aim to enhance the safety data of these substances.” ECHA sent 251 adopted decisions to companies, “requesting additional data to clarify long-term effects of chemicals on human health or the environment.” ECHA states that during the follow-up evaluation process, it will assess the incoming information for compliance. ECHA will share the outcome of the incoming data with the European Union (EU) member states and the European Commission (EC) to enable prioritization of substances. ECHA will work closely with the member states for enforcement of non-compliant dossiers. Compliance of registration dossiers will remain a priority for ECHA. In 2024, ECHA will review the impact of the Joint Evaluation Action Plan, aimed at improving REACH registration compliance, and, together with stakeholders, develop new priority areas on which to focus.