ECHA Reminds Registrants of Substances with a Harmonized Classification to Update Their Dossiers
By Lynn L. Bergeson and Carla N. Hutton
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently reminded registrants of substances with a harmonized classification to update their dossiers. According to an item in the July 13, 2022, ECHA Weekly, ECHA will soon begin a second screening project to check that companies are keeping their registrations updated. The project will focus on substances with a harmonized classification and labeling and will examine registrations where this information is not used correctly. ECHA will pass cases where incompliance is suspected to national enforcement authorities. ECHA will publish the results of its first screening project, which focused on registrations of substances that are on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Authorization List, “next autumn.” ECHA states that these projects “remind registrants of their obligation to keep their registrations up to date.” ECHA provides information on keeping registration dossiers up to date.