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August 30, 2023

ELI Summer School Series 2018: Law & Policy of Products Regulation, July 24, 2018, Washington, D.C. and via Webinar

The ACTA Group

The life cycle of industrial, agricultural, and antimicrobial chemical products, especially those embedded in consumer products, has gained increasing public attention. Regulators are beginning to look at the entire product life cycle, including after the discard of a product at the end of its useful life, not just toxicity data. Lynn L. Bergeson, President, The Acta Group (Acta®), presented Law & Policy of Products Regulation, examining the regulation of chemicals that are used in industrial and consumer products, as well as pesticides, and describing the new governance and stewardship initiatives being considered globally by a wide variety of stakeholders to diminish the potential for adverse effects from chemicals. A complimentary recording of this presentation is available on ELI’s website.