This webinar has occurred. For copies of the webinar slides contact A recap of the webinar is also available online.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made good on its intent to focus enforcement efforts on Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) supplemental distribution, resulting in several settlements with significant penalty assessments. B&C recently issued a memorandum discussing the enforcement actions, the regulatory requirements for supplemental distribution, and what issues companies should address to help avoid such an enforcement action. That memorandum is available online.
As a further service to clients and friends, B&C presented a complimentary webinar highlighting the most important steps that both registrants and supplemental distributors could take to ensure compliance and avoid being stung in the current heightened enforcement environment. Speakers included B&C’s Lisa R. Burchi and Sheryl L. Dolan, and attorney Jon Jacobs, a 25-year veteran of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance who has recently entered private practice. Their 45–minute presentation wasl followed by Q&A with webinar participants.