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February 25, 2014

James V. Aidala Comments on EPA’s Worker Protection Standards

The ACTA Group

James V. Aidala was quoted in an Agrow Daily News Alert story titled “US EPA Rolls Out Farmworker Protection Plan” covering EPA’s has proposed changes to regulations intended to protect the nation’s more than 2 million farmworkers and their families from pesticide exposures. “A former EPA pesticide official says that he expects agricultural groups to balk at the record keeping requirements and believes that they will echo CLA’s concern about the Agency’s justification for the revamped rules. ‘Any federal requirement for record keeping is by default controversial and the question for many will be ‘what problem are we fixing’?’ says Jim Aidala, former assistant administrator with the EPA’s Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances and a senior government consultant for the law firm Bergeson & Campbell. There is debate among stakeholders about whether exposure incidents are actually under-reported by farmworkers or whether there just aren’t many to report, he added.”