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September 12, 2014

James V. Aidala quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Story “Advocates’ Lawsuit Could Result in EPA Ban On Widely Used Organophosphate Ingredient.”

The ACTA Group

James V. Aidala was quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report speaking on the chlorpyrifos lawsuit. “This filing is probably a small piece of the environmental groups’ much larger overall strategy, [said] Jim Aidala, a former EPA pesticide official in the Clinton administration and now a senior consultant at the law firm previous hitBergesonnext hit and Campbell. The agency has technically not yet missed its December deadline, he told Bloomberg BNA, so it is unclear what the plaintiffs are asking a judge to require the EPA to do. ‘There’s some legal chess game going on behind the scenes,’ Aidala said. ‘It’s all part of the push and pull of the advocacy soup.’”