Lynn L. Bergeson Comments On TSCA Implementation Featured In Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Article “More Than 300 New Chemicals Snagged as EPA Implements Law”
On July 12, 2016, Lynn L. Bergeson, President of The Acta Group (Acta®), was quoted in the Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report article “More Than 300 New Chemicals Snagged as EPA Implements Law.”
Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell PC, told Bloomberg BNA July 11 the number of new chemicals affected by the EPA’s implementation of the newly amended Toxic Substances Control Act isn’t large.
For an individual company, however, every day that delays its ability to bring a new chemical or a new use of a chemical to market is huge, Bergeson said. “Every day counts.”
Jim Jones, EPA assistant administrator for chemical safety and pollution prevention, said June 28 he expects the EPA to use the Lautenberg Act’s criteria to reach one of the new chemical decisions the law provides within a week to 10 days. Jones spoke at an American Bar Association forum about the TSCA amendments.
During that same forum, Bergeson said some of the clients her law firm represents had nearly reached the end of the agency’s original 90-day review period just prior to the Lautenberg Act becoming law.
As of July 12, none of those clients had been told whether it can make or import those new chemicals, she told Bloomberg BNA.