Lynn L. Bergeson comments on TSCA reform in Chemical Watch article “US Senator Boxer Reveals TSCA Reform Bill: Vitter Proposal Roundly Criticised.”
Chemical Watch quoted Lynn L. Bergeson in response to Senator Boxer’s (D-CA) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) counterproposal to the Chemical Security Improvement Act (CISA) sponsored by Senator David Vitter (R-LA). Bergeson said of the issue “I do not give Senator Boxer’s bill, or any other TSCA reform measure much hope given the lateness of the session, the lack of alignment on key measures in the bill, and the polarisation on matters generally in Congress. Whether the bill provides a useful jump start to discussion next session is another matter.” Bergeson additionally stated that, in her opinion, Senator Boxer does not seem interested in working with Senator Vitter on CSIA.