Lynn L Bergeson Quoted by Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Regarding Support for Renewable Chemicals, Biobased Products in the 2013 Farm Bill.
In a May 21, 2013, article reporting on the Senate’s Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013 (S. 954) and the House’s Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013 (H.R. 1947), Daily Environment Report quoted Ms. Bergeson: “‘The House bill would provide only discretionary funding for the programs,’ Lynn Bergeson, managing principal of the law firm Bergeson & Campbell PC, which manages the Biobased Products Advocacy Consortium (B2PAC), told BNA May 20. The Senate bill would mandate funding for the biorefinery program from FY 2014 through FY 2016, with up to $25 million available for biobased product manufacturing.” The article went on to say that Bergeson’s “clients also support the Senate version of the Farm Bill.”