Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted by Bloomberg Law in Article “EU Inaction on Nanomaterials Leading to Risks, Groups Say”
On February 15, 2023, Bloomberg Law quoted Lynn L. Bergeson, President, The Acta Group (Acta®), regarding claims by environmental groups that the European Union (EU) has failed to update rules on nanomaterials, leading to insufficient information being provided about the potential health and environmental risks posed by the substances.
An update of REACH is being prepared that will, among other things, write the mid-2022 definition of nanomaterials into the law, Kobe, [a policy officer in the European Commission’s environment department,] said. The commission, the EU’s executive, has said it will propose the REACH update by the end of 2023.
However, “we do not have any concrete plans to have a regulatory review” specifically on nanomaterials, Kobe said. “The policy has not really quantitatively changed,” he said.
Nor is a major change needed, said Lynn L. Bergeson, managing director of Bergeson & Campbell PC. “The EU and ECHA are focused and directing their resources smartly and proportional to address matters of greatest risk,” she said. Bergeson has tracked US and international policies for nanomaterials for years and advised the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association.
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