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October 24, 2014

Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report story “EPA Reorganizes Registration Division, Announces Lewis as New Division Director”

The ACTA Group

The October 24, 2014, Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report featured comments from Lynn L. Bergeson about the restructuring of the EPA’s registration division. “Lynn Bergeson, head of the law firm Bergeson & Campbell, told Bloomberg BNA that the impetus for these moves was likely to make sure the division meets its statutory deadlines to issue registrations. ‘I think the decision to reorganize was driven entirely by EPA’s desire to ensure more people are working on registration decisions,’ she said. Bergeson said she’s not concerned that the division now has fewer staffers. In fact, she said she’s noticed that her calls and e-mails are answered more promptly now, ‘making me a very happy camper.’ Overall, Bergeson said she has confidence that Office of Pesticide Programs Director Jack Housenger, who stepped into his current position earlier this year, will help guide the office as it must ‘do more with less.’ “