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November 3, 2014

Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Story “Silicon Carbide Can Cause Cancer in Workers If Made With Traditional Process, IARC Finds”

The ACTA Group

Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report quoted Lynn L. Bergeson in an October 31, 2014 article on silicon carbide. “Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell P.C., which has tracked global developments of policies and regulations for nanotechnologies, said IARC’s conclusions about carbon nanotubes reflect the state of the science as it exists today and are thus necessarily limited. ‘The good news is there is no data at this time to suggest carbon nanotubes cause cancer,’ she said. The information, however, suggests continued vigilance and diligent product stewardship is needed by manufacturers and others, including employers whose workplaces have carbon nanotubes, she said. ‘The conclusions are helpful in reminding employers and others that exposure to carbon nanotubes and other workplace substances should be minimized to the greatest extent possible to prevent any adverse human health impact,’ Bergeson said.”