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December 17, 2020

Lynn L. Bergeson Quoted in Bloomberg Environment Article “Virus Prompts EPA to Let Chemical Makers Split Risk Analysis Fees”

The ACTA Group

On December 17, 2020, Bloomberg Environment featured comments by Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) regarding a recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to allow chemical manufacturers to split certain risk evaluation fee payments to the agency.

[T]he due date for the second payment offers some clarity for clients, said Lynn L. Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson and Campbell, PC, which specializes in chemical regulations and policies.

“Several of our clients have received invoices, and no surprise there,” she said. “The ‘surprise’ came in the form of a partial payment demand, with no explanation as to when the remaining payments are due.” But she said it remains unclear if the EPA will be willing to negotiate payments for a company that can’t meet the specific deadlines.

See – (subscription required)