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January 14, 2014

Lynn L. Bergeson’s Comments Featured in “Outlook 2014”

The ACTA Group

Lynn L. Bergeson was quoted in a BNA Daily Environment Report article on the outlook for 2014 regarding toxic substances: “Lynn Bergeson, managing partner of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., said that while S. 1009 has some momentum, it also faces significant hurdles, including finding ways to address the most substantive challenges of state preemption, confidential business information claims and the safety standard that the EPA would use to evaluate all chemicals in commerce under a revised statute. ‘The most difficult rate-limiting factor may be the general calendar, since little legislation is expected to see significant action after mid-2014,’ she said. Yet, ‘prospects have not been this positive since the issue was put on the congressional and administration agendas in 2009.’ “