Alliance Will Strengthen Acta’s and Acta EU’s Ability to Provide REACH and Related Chemical Management Services Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C), The Acta Group, L.L.C. (Acta), and The Acta Group EU, Ltd (Acta EU) are pleased to announce each has entered into a strategic alliance with ENTRIX, Incorporated (ENTRIX), one of the largest scientific environmental and natural resource management consulting firms in the United States. The alliance will...
The March 3, 2010, issue of’s Toxics Regulation News quotes Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.‘s February 22, 2010, memorandum regarding the effects of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed amendments to the enforceable consent agreement procedures under Section 4 of the Toxic Substances Control Act. ...
The March 4, 2010, issue of BNA Daily Environment Report quotes Jim Aidala, who participated in the American Bar Association’s March 3, 2010, teleconference on endocrine disruptors. ...
February 26, 2010
Lynn L. Bergeson Will Speak at Conference Concerning Environmental Regulation and Commercial Implications
We are pleased to announce that Lynn L. Bergeson will be speaking at the upcoming conference entitled “Environmental Regulation and Commercial Implications 2010: How the New Administration, Congress and the Courts Have Changed the Rules.” The conference will be held in New York City on May 7, 2010, and in San Francisco on May 18, 2010. The conference will be broadcast live on the Internet on May 7, 2010. Since the election of President Barack Obama and the 111th...
February 22, 2010
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. to Participate in ABA Quick Teleconference on Endocrine Disruptors
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C) is pleased to announce it will moderate and participate in an American Bar Association Quick Teleconference entitled “Endocrine Disruptors: The Art, Law, and Science of Responding to Testing Orders,” on March 3, 2010, at 12:00 p.m. (EST). Speakers include: James V. Aidala, B&C; David Berol, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); James C. Lamb, Ph.D., Exponent; and Robert G. Perlis, EPA. Register for the teleconference online....
February 18, 2010
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. is a Proud Sponsor of the 2010 Global Chemical Regulations Conference
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. is pleased to announce its sponsorship of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates’ (SOCMA) Global Chemical Regulations Conference and Exhibition being held in Baltimore, Maryland, on March 29-31, 2010. For more than 20 years, the Global Chemical Regulations Conference has provided a unique educational opportunity for chemical industry professionals. Participation in this conference provides attendees with...
In the January 27, 2010, issue of BNA Daily Environment Report, Lynn L. Bergeson states that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pollution, Prevention, and Toxics staff members “have expressed confidence that the important initiatives under way will be continued to be funded.”...
The January 22, 2010, issue of Daily Environment Report references Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.‘s January 7, 2010, memorandum regarding its 2010 predictions....
The January 22, 2010, issue of BNA Daily Environment Report quotes Lynn L. Bergeson regarding the promulgation of a general significant new use rule for nanoscale chemical substances. According to Bergeson, it “has appeal as it would obviate the need for a TSCA Section 8(a) rule and avoid the small business exemption.” Bergeson also commented on nanomaterial developments expected in 2010....
The January 8, 2010, issue of BNA Daily Environment Report quotes Charles Auer regarding the request from the European Economic Community’s World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade Inquiry Point to extend the comment period on a proposed significant new use rule for two carbon nanotubes....