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December 19, 2017

Michael S. Wenk, M.S., Quoted in Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report Article “Australia, EU, Brazil Making Moves in 2018 on Chemical Regulation”

The ACTA Group

On December 19, 2017,  Bloomberg BNA Daily Environment Report included comments by Michael S. Wenk, M.S., Senior Regulatory Consultant with The Acta Group (Acta®), regarding future chemical regulations in Brazil.

Big questions remain, among them: Will Brazil recognize industrial chemicals registered through other systems like the Toxic Substances Control Act in the U.S., or REACH in the European Union? Or will companies have to reproduce testing results?

Even when the draft eventually emerges from the revision process and those questions are presumably answered, the issue might not be very high on the political priority list, as Brazil has a presidential election in October.

“We don’t see early 2018 as a realistic deadline to have this bill go up for a vote in Brazil’s congress,” said Michael Wenk, a regulatory consultant with Bergeson & Campbell PC in Washington.

If and when Regulacao does come to fruition, “there could be a domino effect, as other countries in South America rush to follow Brazil’s lead,” Wenk said.

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