August 29, 2023

WEBINAR:  Nanotechnology Update and Outlook to 2015, August 21, 2014, 11:00 EDT

Compliance & Risks presented a complimentary webinar Thursday August 21, 2014 that informed and educated participants about the latest developments in the regulation of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. There was no charge for the webinar, though registration was required. Lynn L. Bergeson shared insight and analysis regarding existing and emerging governance tools in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, and explored nanotechnology governance approaches that are due to become operational in...
August 29, 2023

Sustainable Futures Training Workshop, August 5-7, 2014, Washington, D.C.

Participants learned how to pre-screen new chemicals using EPA’s models and methods during this hands-on, three-day workshop. They learned about a variety of tools, methods, and models that can be used to assess the hazard and potential exposure of chemicals early in the development process and anticipate regulatory action before submitting the chemical to EPA for review. Invited presenters included EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) staff with experience in the EPA New...
August 29, 2023

Biomass 2014: Growing the Future, July 29 – 30, 2014, Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) hosted its seventh annual conference—Biomass 2014: Growing the Future Bioeconomy. Co-hosted with Advanced Biofuels USA, this year’s conference took place at the Washington Convention Center. As in past years, Biomass 2014 brought together top government officials and members of Congress—with industry leaders and experts from across the bioenergy supply chain—to continue ongoing dialogue about the critical...