Recording Available for “Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations”
The Acta Group (Acta®) affiliate Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.’s (B&C®) March 22, 2023, webinar, “Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations,” is now available for on-demand viewing. During this one-hour webinar LeRoy (Lee) C. Paddock, Distinguished Professorial Lecturer of Environmental Law at the George Washington University Law School; Edith G. Nagy, Regulatory Consultant, B&C; and Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner, B&C, discuss the history and evolution of EPR legislation, expected developments that will affect the chemical and chemical product industry, and what companies need to know to prepare for these changes. Professor Paddock reviewed the principle of product/producer responsibility in European Union (EU) waste legislation, current efforts to promote a circular supply chain, and the implementation of EPR by Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs). Ms. Nagy explained similarities and differences in current packaging EPR regulations in Maine, Oregon, Colorado, and California, and what may be expected as more states adopt similar legislation in the future, and both Paddock and Nagy responded to viewer questions.
Watch the webinar now.

B&C’s complimentary webinars feature leading figures from government, industry, and private practice analyzing and advising on pressing chemical policy issues to equip regulatory professionals to succeed in an ever-changing regulatory environment.
Register now for these upcoming webinars:
- PFAS Reporting, PBTs, and other TSCA Hot Topics, May 17, 2023
- Farm Bill, PRIA, and other FIFRA Hot Topics, September 13, 2023
- It’s Not as Easy as It May Appear: Bringing Sustainable Chemistry to Market in the U.S., November 15, 2023
Visit B&C’s Vimeo channel to view recent webinars available on demand, including:
Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations
What to Expect in Chemicals Policy and Regulation and on Capitol Hill in 2023
Two Years Later: How Has the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability Changed REACH and CLP Regulations?