Turkey REACH (KKDIK): Achieving Timely Compliance with New Chemicals Requirements
Turkey REACH (KKDIK): Achieving Timely Compliance with New Chemicals Requirements
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (EST)
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Turkey’s Registration (Kaydı), Evaluation (Değerlendirilmesi), Authorization (İzni) and Restriction (Kısıtlanması) of Chemicals (Kimyasalların) (Turkey REACH/KKDIK) regulation was published by Turkey’s Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MoEU) on June 23, 2017. The regulation entered into force on December 23, 2017. Similar to EU REACH, KKDIK is an ambitious law that covers a wide range of issues pertaining to chemical safety.
Entities manufacturing in or importing into Turkey chemical substances in quantities of one metric ton per annum or more are subject to pre-registration and registration processes under KKDIK. Turkey REACH provides a pre-registration deadline of December 31, 2020, and a registration deadline of December 31, 2023. Global entities with business interests in Turkey are authorized to appoint Turkish Only Representatives (OR) to support supply of KKDIK-compliant products. Given the strategic importance of the Turkish market, businesses are expected to need to secure OR support in Turkey to ensure that their commercial interests are compliant.
Beyond registration, chemical companies globally are affected significantly by KKDIK rules regarding evaluation, authorization, and restriction. KKDIK’s new rules, “special requirements,” and demanding deadlines require timely efforts from entities globally to support Turkish market access and business prosperity. These topics and others, including overlooked nuances and technical, legal, and policy matters affecting Turkish compliance will be discussed in an hour by an expert panel of regulatory and legal professionals.
Topics Covered:
- An overview of the revised Turkish chemical regulatory framework
- Pre-registration and registration
- Evaluation, authorization, and restriction
- “Special rules and requirements” under KKDIK
- Key similarities and differences under EU REACH and KKDIK
- Technical resources for KKDIK compliance
- Turkish Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements
Speakers Include:
- Lynn L. Bergeson, President, The Acta Group (Acta®) (moderator)
- Heather J. Blankinship, Senior Regulatory Consultant, The Acta Group
- Zameer Qureshi, Legal Consultant to The Acta Group EU
- Melih Babayiğit, General Manager, CRAD Çevre Risk Analiz Denetim A.Ş.