Sustainable chemistry is critical to the global economy and making the world a better place. Increasingly chemical and product innovators, businesses, and others are more discerning in selecting and using raw materials based on new criteria heavily influenced by sustainability factors. Businesses are increasingly finding value in waste as a feedstock, reducing hazardous chemicals in manufacturing processes, designing chemicals to be greener, and being more efficient in using energy, water, and materials across a chemical’s life cycle.
Making the right choices is not easy, however, for a variety of societal, policy, and legal reasons. This webinar focuses on the challenges entities face in making chemical products more sustainable, what the federal government is doing to encourage sustainable chemistry, and how stakeholders can help move the needle to accelerate the pace of sustainable chemistry.
The Acta Group (Acta®) is pleased to offer this one-hour complimentary webinar focused on bringing sustainable chemistry to market.
Topics Covered:
- How novel chemistry is vital for moving the global economy to be more sustainable;
- What stakeholders are doing to advance sustainable chemistry;
- Challenges faced by sustainable chemistry innovators.
Speakers Include:
Molly Blessing, Director of Sustainability, Household and Commercial Products Association (HCPA), is a chemist with experience in corporate product stewardship, global chemical regulation, and green chemistry. As Director of Sustainability, Molly leads HCPA’s sustainability efforts. She also serves as the Division Staff Executive for the Air Care Products Division.
Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., Director of Chemistry, Acta, is a 17-year veteran of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is one of the most widely recognized experts in the field of green chemistry, having served as senior staff scientist in EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) and leader of EPA’s Green Chemistry Program. He has participated in thousands of Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) substance reviews at EPA, as well as pre-notice and post-review meetings with submitters to resolve complex or difficult cases, and he draws upon this invaluable experience to assist B&C clients as they develop and commercialize novel chemistries.
Amir Mahmoudkhani, VP of R&D and Innovation, Locus Fermentation Solutions, has strong knowledge of chemistry and 24+ years of experience in various technical roles, including research and development (R&D), application development and project management. Amir has been a member of Industry Joint Research Programs (JIP), was an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta, and was formerly Clariant’s Global Innovation Manager and Global Head of Flow Assurance. In his current role as VP of R&D and Innovation at Locus, Amir leads all projects utilizing new and novel biobased materials for use in key global industries.
Lynn L. Bergeson, President, Acta, counsels corporations, trade associations, and business consortia on a wide range of issues pertaining to chemical products, exposure and risk assessment, risk communication, minimizing legal liability, and evolving regulatory and policy matters pertinent to conventional, biobased, and nanoscale chemicals. Ms. Bergeson is Chair of the International Bar Association (IBA) Agriculture and Food Section, is Immediate Past President of the Product Stewardship Society (PSS), and is a Fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL), where she serves as a Regent and on its Executive Committee.